- CS 430 - Survey Artificial Intelligence
- CS 424 - Principles of Programming Languages
- CS 413 - Intro Digital Computer Architecture
- CS 371 - Mobile Computing App Introduction & Development
- CS 330 - Artificial Intelligence & Game Dev
- CS 321 - Intro to Object-Oriented Programming in Java
- CS 317 - Intro to Design/Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 309 - Computer Organization and Switching Theory
- CS 221 - Computer Science II: Data Structures
- CS 214 - Intro to Discrete Structure
- EH 301 - (Honors) Technical Writing
- MA 385 - Intro to Probability & Statistics
- MA 301 - Intro Elementary Number Theory
- MA 244 - Intro to Linear Algebra
- MA 171, 172, and 201 - Calculus A-C